How To Solve Your Website Content Problems

16 June 2020

In this blog post, we discuss the various issues with website content and how it could be losing you business. We also provide valuable insights on how to solve your website content problems once and for all.

How to solve your website content problems once and for all !

Content problems can come in many forms. The pages that customers can’t see on a mobile phone because your site isn’t mobile-friendly, the content that is hard to read and doesn’t maintain the interest of potential customers or the fact that your competitors appear at the top of Google search results because their website has amazing website copy and fresh blog posts that are engaging to your target audience. These are just a few examples of the issues that you might experience, but what to do?

Website copy that gets results

Most business owners are experts in their industry or business sector, but not in creating effective website copy. A plumber, for example, has great experience and knowledge in how to fix a water issue, an accountant knows how to crunch the numbers in the right way and a salon owner knows how to make customers look and feel amazing, but their focus and strength isn’t in website marketing and areas such as how to write content on a website in a way that gets results.

On the other hand, website copywriters know how to provide great website copy, but you wouldn’t trust them to cut your hair or manage your taxes (sorry copywriters, that’s just the way it is!).

If you are looking to improve the results from your website then it’s recommended to use the service of a website content creator such as a website copywriter. As well as great content, it also frees up time for you to focus on what you do best as a business owner!

When working on your website, make sure to consider how you can appear higher in Google search rankings for terms that customers might search for. SEO (or Search Engine Optimisation) is about optimising your website so that when a customer searches for help with accounting that your accountancy appears at the top, or when someone searches for garden machinery that your website selling garden machinery appears at the top of Google.

In order to keep your content fresh and up to date, consider having regular blog posts on your website. Website copywriters such as A Prompt, have the knowledge to be able to guide you on this.

Online marketing, done the stress-free way

Even when you have great content on your website, the challenge of using it effectively isn’t over. Online marketing is an ongoing activity and if you have something that’s great, you should show the world. There are various channels you can use to reach out to your target audience, including social media and email marketing. These act as great tools to drive people to your website, whether that’s to your product and service pages or to your latest blog posts where you can educate, inform and convert visitors into paying customers.

Website marketing involves having a call to action on your website so that the visitor can either make an immediate purchase or at least provide contact information for you to convert them into a paying customer. Once you have created an effective website with a strong call to action that will get results, that’s where social media and other channels play their part and are used to send your customers to your website to take the action you want.

The concept of lead generation might sound complicated, but it can be a strong foundation for generating sales over the long-term. Social media copywriters can help create content that generates interest online so that Twitter and Facebook followers will visit your website.

Similar to website copywriting, social media and other channels require time and expertise and if, as a busy business owner, you are short on time and in-depth social media knowledge then outsourcing is a great way to ramp up your marketing efforts.

Fully managed websites and website marketing

The term ‘online marketing’ continues to cover an ever-growing list of elements! The days of traditional marketing with advertising in Yellow pages and cold calling have been replaced by websites, social media, email marketing, Google Ads, blogging and much more! And managing these in the right way can be daunting.

Managing it yourself can be very difficult and possibly ineffective while outsourcing to various marketing experts who are specialised in areas such as LinkedIn, Blog writing or email marketing can become disjointed, especially since these different areas need to be closely integrated if they are going to get results.

At aprompt, we manage the various areas of online marketing for our customers centrally, including content managed websites, blogging, and social media as well as SEO. If you would like help making your online marketing more effective, then get in touch with our website design company today.