Charity begins at home

01 January 2011

Melksham Community Radio

Over the years we've developed free CMS websites for organisations and charities we think will be beneficial to the local area.

In 2010 we spotted Melksham Community Radio. So we developed an online radio station website for them to help them get started. The website was fully editable by the DJs, with a very powerful Content Management System - putting the DJs in control of their website. We were very proud to hand over the free, custom-built website to the Melksham Community Radio and look forward to hearing them on the air soon.

Update: please be aware that Melksham Community Radio is not the same as Melksham Radio Station. We'd like to extend our very good wishes to both radio stations and hope you are both successful. Hard work, dedication and a bit of competition is a good thing in business and it keeps you on your toes!