How to get more website customers

11 October 2021

So your website is old but you still get business, why should you upgrade your website then?

How is business?

It might be that business is ok. Maybe you are getting a reasonably steady stream of customers buying from you each month, some of which are from visiting your website, and all is well. So why would you listen to a web designer telling you that it might be worth upgrading your website?

Here’s the thing… things might be good, but could they be better? And just because things are good for your business right now, it doesn’t mean they will stay that way.

Let’s understand these points in more detail…

Good, better, best

At aprompt website designers, we’ve always found it interesting when people say “you don’t know what you don’t know”... well, erm, it’s kind of obvious, right? There’s plenty we don’t know for sure, but business owners often miss the importance of the saying when it comes to online marketing.

It’s easier to report on how many enquiries, website visitors and customers a business has, but almost impossible to know how many you could have had with better marketing or a better website (maybe the company selling crystal balls can answer this?).

When customers have upgraded their website with aprompt, that light bulb moment takes place when they realise that their website performance wasn’t that good after all, and even though a small website upgrade can mean higher online visitors and enquiries, many businesses find that continuing to evolve their website further can help to improve their online marketing website results even more.

Imagine you have 500 visitors to your website every month and only 1% of visitors become a paying customer. We make some very simple changes to your website. Maybe it becomes more mobile-friendly, quicker to load and the CTA (call-to-action) button is more accessible and, as a result, your conversion rate (visitors that become paying customers) grows to 3%.

That 3% isn’t great. It’s still low, but it now means you have 3 times more customers as a result of some simple website changes! (from 1% or 5 customers a month to 3% or 15 customers). And that’s with zero increase in website visitors!

We should point out that while 3% (and zero increase in visitors) is a cautious figure, your results can be mixed and may vary depending on a number of factors.

The above example highlights how upgrading your website could bring in a lot more business - and could mean no longer losing opportunities that you weren’t aware of!

Could this become a case of now knowing what you didn’t know?

Fresh content for Google, and customers

Another reason to upgrade a website is related to how this could impact Google Search. Google likes to see regular fresh content that is relevant to your audience, and your website might not currently be found by potential customers looking for your products and services on Google (appearing on page 3 of Google Search is NOT going to get you new customers!). There may be many reasons for this, so if you're asking 'How do I get more customers to my website?' then we can help.

How do I get more customers to my website?

Taking a fresh look at your website and upgrading it with new, relevant content will get Google’s attention and, if done properly by a website company with experience in SEO, will result in more website visitors from Google Search.

Fresh content and design are also loved by customers. How likely are you to buy tech products or business support services for example from a company with a website that looks old and outdated?

A slow or out of date website design puts doubt into the minds of your customers. A dynamic, easy to use and great looking website, however, that sets a different (and better) image for potential customers is always going to attract you more business. And having the right content in the right place can be make or break your website.

Future-proofing your website

Over the years, we’ve all seen many businesses disappear overnight unexpectedly. One minute they think everything is well, but then consumer trends change or the competition turns the heat up and suddenly it’s a different picture.

… and talking of a different picture, Kodak is a great example of this. They didn’t see a need to make changes while everyone was taking their negatives to their local store to be developed. Mobile phones have certainly changed the world in so many ways.

Upgrading your website means ensuring that your site is mobile responsive and optimised for Google as well as containing the latest information on your website for your customers. There might be various issues with your website currently, such as slow loading speeds, that you have got used to. That might be fine for you, but it’s not something your website visitors will tolerate for much longer as we head into 2022.

Are you ready for an upgrade in your business results?

As you can see, if you upgrade your website you can create a big impact on the results of your business and really boost your online marketing. Our web designers can help you improve your online business presence and it could be easier than you think!       

Earlier, we used the title “good, better, best”. If you are serious about growing your business, then get in touch. We will work with you to take your website from “good” to, not just better, but potentially the best in your business.

Contact our web designers today to find out more about upgrading your website design to improve your business and boost online marketing.