Be CyberAware

04 October 2018

Always be safe online

October is European Cybersecurity Month (although every day should be Cybersecurity day) however it’s a great reminder to review and improve your online habits. Because whether you’re at home, work, or on the go, staying safe online is becoming increasingly harder. So, to help you get started, Lastpass has compiled a few tips for you:

Generate random passwords

Unique, randomly generated passwords are the strongest passwords. Use software like LastPass to generate combinations through their vault or the browser extension.

Give email extra attention

Email is the gateway to your digital life. Change your password often, be wary of unknown senders, and don’t open unexpected attachments.

Safeguard your credit

Generate and frequently change passwords for all financial accounts.

Top 10 Online Security Tips

  1. You Are A Target. Realise that you are an attractive target to hackers.
  2. Practice good password management and never use the same password twice
  3. Lock It Up. Never leave your devices unattended
  4. Do not open attachments in emails that you are not expecting or are from strangers asking you to download/open their attachment
  5. Bogus calling - Offline, be wary of social engineering, where someone attempts to gain information from you through manipulation. If someone calls or emails you asking for sensitive information, it’s OK to say no. You can always call the company directly to verify credentials before giving out any information.
  6. Back It Up (if you don't already have your website backed-up by us, please ask us to add this service for you)
  7. Keep anti-virus software up to date
  8. Keep your website code up to date - if your website was created more than 3 years ago, speak to our website designers to ensure your code is up to date (our Express and Premium website packages include CMS website code updates for life)
  9. Share Less Sensitive Information
  10. Stay vigilant with your bank accounts - Be sure to monitor your accounts for any suspicious activity. If you see something unfamiliar, it could be a sign that you’ve been compromised.


Written by Kirsty Paget