What is HTTPS

05 March 2014

Secure websites

There are web users who have concerns over the safety of giving personal or credit card details over the web. They fear that their transactions and personal details might not be safe. So for anyone who manages a website that gathers personal information or sells online, increased trust in the safety of online dealings is vital, not least because of the benefits that this can produce - increased revenue and security for your clients being the most important.

Authentication of online security has become a must have for most websites and by making use of an SSL Certificate, you can securely collect sensitive information online, and increase business by giving your customers confidence that their transactions are safe.

What is HTTPS?

HTTPS stands for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure and it's the secure version of HTTP, the protocol over which data is sent between your browser and the website that you are connected to. The 'S' at the end of HTTPS stands for 'Secure'. It means all communications between your browser and the website are encrypted.

What Is SSL?

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is a method of ensuring that information submitted through your website is secure and cannot be accessed by unauthorised users. When a site offers an SSL-secured form, the information submitted via that form (typically credit card information) is encrypted using a special "certificate key" and then decrypted with another key after it has been transmitted.

When users access a site secured with SSL, a padlock symbol can display in their browser window indicating that the site is secure.

Why do I need an SSL Certificate?

An SSL Certificate, or a digital certificate, is an electronic document that contains the information necessary to establish a secure SSL connection. When used in credit card transactions, the website collecting the credit card information and the site to which the information is being transmitted must both have an SSL Certificate.

If you either have an online shop (ecommerce website) or are collecting personal data from your website visitors, it is vital that you provide a secure, encrypted connection.

Furthermore, Google announced in 2015 that it would start favouring websites with SSL in an effort to encourage its use, making the Web a safer place. Having SSL can therefore improve SEO on your website.  If you would like SSL installed on your website, please contact our website designers in Wiltshire.